COSC406-Advanced Database Systems

  1. Preliminaries:
  1. Lecture Slides
    1. Chapter 01 - Introduction: Databases and Database Users
    2. Chapter 02 -Database System Concepts and Architecture
    3. Chapter 03 - Data Modeling using the ER Model
    4. Chapter 04 -Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER) Model
    5. Chapter 05 - The Relational Data Model and Relational Database Constraints
    6. Chapter 06 - The Relational Algebra and Calculus
    7. Chapter 07 -Relational Database Design by ER- and EERR-to-Relational Mapping
    8. Chapter 08 - SQL 99: Schema Definition, and Queries and Views
    9. Chapter 09 - Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques
    10. Chapter 10 - Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational DBs
    11. Chapter 11 - Relational Database Design Algorithms and Further Dependencies
    12. Chapter 12 - Practical Database Design Methodology and Use of UML Diagrams
    13. Chapter 13 - Disk Storage, Basic Files Structures, and Hashing
    14. Chapter 14 - Indexing Structures for Files
    15. Chapter 15 - Algorithms for Query Processing and Optimization
    16. Chapter 16 - Practical Database Design and Tuning
    17. Chapter 17 - Introduction to Transaction Processing Concepts and Theory
    18. Chapter 18 - Concurrency Control Techniques
    19. Chapter 19 - Database Recovery Techniques
  2. Students' Grades