
COSC 735

Software Engineering

Course Syllabus

    Fundamental of design concepts, design notations, and architectural design methods for large-scale software systems. Several design: examples of their use, comparisons among them. Concepts of information hiding, data abstraction, concurrency, and object-oriented software construction.

Reference Textbooks

  1. Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, by Roger S. Pressman, 7th Edition Mc-Graw Hill, 2005.

  2. Software Engineering, by Ian Summerville, 8th Edition, Addison Wesley, 2006.

Course Materials

  1. Chapter 01: Software and Software Engineering
  2. Chapter 02: Process Models
  3. Chapter 03: Agile Development
  4. Chapter 04: Principles that Guide Practice
  5. Chapter 05: Understanding Requirements
  6. Chapter 06: Requirements Modeling: Scenarios, Information, and Analysis Classes
  7. Chapter 07: Requirements Modeling: Flow, Behavior, Patterns, and WebApps
  8. Chapter 08: Design Concepts
  9. Chapter 09: Architectural Design
  10. Chapter 10: Component-Level Design
  11. Chapter 11: User Interface Design
  12. Chapter 12: Pattern-Based Design
  13. Chapter 13: WebApp Design
  14. Chapter 14: Quality Concepts
  15. Chapter 15: Review Techniques
  16. Chapter 16: Software Quality Assurance
  17. Chapter 17: Software Testing Strategies
  18. Chapter 18: Testing Conventional Applications
  19. Chapter 19: Testing Object-Oriented Applications
  20. Chapter 20: Testing Web Applications

Students' Grade