COSC401 Introduction to Algorithms & Complexity Analysis
Basic algorithmic analysis: Asymptotic analysis of Upper and average complexity bounds; standard Complexity Classes Time and space tradeoffs in algorithms analysis recursive algorithms. Algorithmic Strategies: Fundamental computing algorithms: Numerical algorithms, sequential and binary search algorithms; sorting algorithms, Binary Search tress, Hash tables, graphs & its representation.
Downloadable Material
- Introduction
- Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency
- Brute Force and Exhaustive Search
- Decrease-and-Conquer
- Divide-and-Conquer
- Transform-and-Conquer
- Space and Time Trade-Offs
- Dynamic Programming
- Greedy Technique
- 2010/2011 Exams(No solution)
- 2012/2013 Exams(No solution)
- 2013/2014 Exams(No solution)
- 2014/2015 Exams(No solution)