PHYS 111   Mechanics (2 credit units)
Units   and   dimensions;   Dimension   methods   for   checking correctness of equations and for deriving simple relations. Additions and subtraction of vectors, projectiles, Newton laws, conservation laws. Elastic collisions, work, energy and power. Circular motion, simple harmonic motion, Motion of rigid bodies, statics Gravitation, Gravitational potential. Circular orbit, escape velocity.

PHYS 131 Heat and Properties of Matter (2 credit units)
Structure of Solids, liquids and gases. Kinetic theory of gasses, Elasticity, surface tension solid friction. Fluid in motion, Bernoulli’s law, Aerofoil; thermodynamics; Thermal expansion. Heat transfer. EM radiation Prevost's theory of heat exchange. Thermal radiation detectors; Optical pyrometer.

PHYS 122    Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics  (2 credit units)
Electric force; Field and Potential; Electric flux and Gauss's Theorem; Capacitance; Current Electricity, Magnetic force-. Magnetic effects of currents; Magnetic materials; Electromagnetic induction; Alternating currents; Planck's constant and quanta of light energy; photoelectric effect Radioactivity Nuclear composition; Binding energy nuclear fission and fusion. Thermionic emission, rectification by diodes, the transistors.

PHYS 124 Geometric and Wave Optics (1 credit unit)
Reflection; refractive index; Snell’s law; measurement of refractive index; total internal reflection; air cell. Refraction through prism; minimum deviation; Lens formula. Lenses in contact, Newton’s formula. Spherical and Chromatic aberrations; power of lenses; Dispersive powers. Classification of spectra; Optical instruments. Interference phenomenon Newton rings, Polarization Malu's law; Polaroids.

PHYS 161/162     General Physics Practical I & II (1 credit unit each)
The introductory course emphasizes quantitative measurements, treatment of measurement errors and graphical analysis. A variety of experimental techniques will be employed. Simple experiments in mechanics, properties of matter, heat, light and electricity are emphasized, which are relevant to the courses PHYS111, 131, 122 and 124.