PHYS400 Research Project (6 credit units)
The course offers students the opportunity to do a bit of research in contemporary physics under the supervision of a staff. A detailed report on the research is presented by the student, when completed viva-voce examination is to be conducted.

PHYS401 Seminar and Library Research  (1 credit unit)
On a variety of given topics of the syllable and multidisciplinary, student is expected to prepare a report and present a .seminar talk. The main emphasis is to train the students for report writing, documentation and library research and study of journals and review articles and presentation as seminar talk.

PHYS411 Quantum Mechanics (3 credit units)
Solutions of the Schrodinger equation. Angular Momentum. The Hydrogen atom. Identical-Particle systems. Multi-electron atoms. Approximate Methods Scattering theory. Application of puitiul wave analysis. Absorption.

PHYS412 Hamiltonian Mechanics (2 credit units)
Variational principles and Lagrange’s equations. Hamilton's Principal calculus of variation. Conservation theorems and symmetry properties. Legendary transformation and Hamilton's equation of motion. Canonical transformation. The, equation of motion in Poisson bracket notation. Liouville's theorem. Hamilton - Jacobi Theory. Separation of variables in Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Action-angle variables,
Application in geometric optics and wave mechanics.

PHYS413 Astrophysics (2 credit units)
Stellar Spectra, Temperature effect. Spectral Types, the Hertz sprung-Russell diagram. Stellar population. Stellar structure Radiative transfer thermonuclear reaction. Helium burning and advance burning stages. Stellar evolution. Neutron stars Black holes. Cosmology and gravitation. The Hubble constant and evolution of density and pressure in the universe.

PHYS414   Analytical Mechanics (3 credit units)
Lagrange's Equations of motion, The Two-body central force problem, Kinematics of Rigid Motion, Elastic scattering, Axis transformation.

PHYS421 Electromagnetic Theory (3 credit units)
Review of victor calculus. Review of Electrostatic Fields in Di­electrics. Solution of Potential Problems. Special Theory of Relativity. The Electric and Magnetic Fields of Moving charges, Magnetic Fields of Steady Currents, Electromagnetic induction. Magnetic Properties of Matter, Maxwell's Equation. Prolongation of magnetic waves through interface of two media.
PHYS422 Advanced Electronics (2 credit units)
Field Effect Transistor circuits Principle of J.F.E.T. and M.O.S.T operation. Opto-electronics devices, Alpha-numerical displays. Introduction to Boolean logic. De-Morgan's theorem. Digital components. T.T.L. family of digital integrated circuits. Bipolar memory Digital systems. Linear integrated circuit techniques. Voltage hold. Principles of the Phase Locked Loop and applications.

PHYS423   Acoustics (2 credits units)
Objective and subjective assessment of sound levels. Radiation of sound, Applications of ultrasonic waves. Microphones. Absorption of sound. Acoustics and buildings. Sound level measurement.

PHYS424 Microwave and Radiation (2 credit units)
Field due to elementary radiating dipole. Parabolic and horn reflectors. Waveguides. Field distributions in rectangular and circular wave-guides. TE and TM modes. Phase and group velocities VHP, UHF and microwave oscillators. Masers and Lasers. Optical cavity, population inversion, Gas and Solid state lasers. Use in satellite communication.

PHYS425 Modern Optics  (2 credit units)
Polarization; Interference and Diffraction, Refraction at Plane and spherical surfaces, Lens systems, Stops, Aberration, Optical instruments, Diffraction theory, Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction.

PHYS426:  Quantum Optics (2 credit units)
Music features of spectroscopy.     Stimulated emission and ovpiion.  Optic pumping lasers and masers. Tunable lasers nonlinear spectroscopy. Applications of lasers, holography.

PHYS428 Semiconductor Physics        (2 credit units)
Semiconductors.     Intrinsic     and     extrinsic.     Tunneling. Unijunction transistor. Junction field effect transistor. Surface physics optoelectronic devices.

PHYS432 Introduction to Statistical Physics (2 credit units)
Microscopic and Microscopic states. Quantum Statistics, Application of Statistics, application of Statistics and Gases, Application of statistics to Solids, Application of Quantum Statistics to other systems.

PHYS442:  Solid State Physics II (3 credit units)
Free electron theory: Fermi gas in 3 dimensions. Heat capacity of electron gas, Electrical conductivity Hall effect, Thermal conductivity of metals. Energy band: Nearly free electron model. Energy gap. Bloch functions. Wave equation of electron in a periodic potential. Metals, insulators construction of Fermi surface. Experimental measurements. Semiconductors: Mobile electrons in covalent crystals. Donor and accept or impurities. Thermal excitation of carriers -conductivity. Hall Effect cyclotron resonance. Superconductivity:      Meissner      effect.      London
Equations. B.C.S. theory, Josephson Effect. Dielectric properties: Ferro electricity Dia, para, Ferro and antifeiro magnetism.

PHYS446:  Material Science (2 credit units)
Material characteristics. Chemical bonding. Atomic order in solids and disorder. Electron transport. Point imperfection and line imperfection single phase and multiphase materials. Micro structure and properties of ceramics. Mechanical, electrical, optical and magnetic properties of materials. Selection of materials, modem materials.

PHYS459 Nuclear Instrumentation (2 credit units)
Introduction: Radiation types and sources, Detectors, Scintillation counters, Solid State detectors, Review of nuclear electronics unit, Radiation spectra Interpretation, Coincidence and anti-coincidence methods, Dosimetry and monitoring equipment,

PHYS451 Nuclear Physics I (2 credit units)
Introduction, Nomenclature, Review of Basic Nuclear Properties, Radioactive decays, Introduction to Nuclear Reactions, Nuclear forces'and brief review of nuclear models; Experimental Methods in Nuclear Physics; Radiation Sources, Nuclear Spectroscopy; Accelerating machines, Nuclear reactors, Review of Elementary Particles, Introducing to Neutron Physics.

PHYS453 Plasma Physics (2 credit units)
Motion of a charged particle in E.M, field. Langevin equation, Electron conductivity and mobility, Wave propagation parallel and perpendicular to magnetic field. Derivation of continuum equation. Diffusion. Longitudinal waves in a fully ionized gas Linearize magneto-hydrodynamic equations Distribution function and Boltzmann equation Landau damping. The N -theorem, Lowest order transport equation for a gas mixture. Calculation of transport coefficients. The Fokker-Planck equation, Radiation from Plasma, Plasma devices - fusion reactor,

PHYS452 Nuclear Physics II (2 credit units)
Strong, weak und electromagnetic interactions. Low-energy neutron-proton scattering. The electric quadrupole moment of deuteron. Capture of slow neutrons by hydrogen. Nuclear structure and models of nucleus. Unified models. Decay processes, Gamma emission. Integral conversion. Nuclear Isomerism.

PHYS455   Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy (2 CU)
The hydrogen atom Atomic spectra. Relativistic effects and spin. Many electron atoms. Coupling schemes and vector model. Hyperfine structure. Diatomic molecule. Frank Condon principle. Infrased Spectroscopy. Microwave methods, Resonance phenomena. E. S. R.; N. M. R; NQR..

PHYS457   Radiation Biophysics (2 credit units)
Radiation Protection Standards. Basic concepts and units. Dosimetry. Internal and external irradiation. Natural and artificial activity in the environment. Biological consequences of nuclear radiation. Protection measures against internal and external irradiation. Handling of radioactive materials. Radioisotope laboratories.

PHYS461 Technical Drawing and Workshop Practice (2CU)
A rigorous training in technical drawing and use of simple machines including operation of lathe machine

PHYS474    Introductory Nuclear Engineering (2 CU)
Nuclear fuel cycle. Reactor systems. Structural design. Thermal design. Radiological safely designs. Economic aspects.
PHYS481   Exploration Methods (2 credit units)
Seismic methods. Wave propagation in elastic media. Seismic reflection prospecting. Acquisition of seismic data on land. Gravity Method. Fundamental principles of gravity prospecting. Magnetic method. Electrical and Electromagnetic methods. Radiometric method. Geophysical well logging.

PHYS482    Physics of the-Solid Earth:              (2 credit units)
History of the earth and the solar system. Surface Features of the Solid earth Seismology and the Earth's interior. The Earth's magnetism and gravity. Thermal History of the Earth. Plate Tectonics.


PHYS483    Potential Theory (2 credit units)
Mathematical consideration on vector analysis. Gauss Theorem. Stokes Theorem. Laplace operation. Fundamental relations in gravity.

PHYS485    Meteorology (2 credit units)
Composition and Constitution of the Atmosphere. Dynamics of the atmosphere: motion of a fluid element equation of continuity Euler's equation of motion, Bernoulli's equation. Thermodynamics of the Atmosphere: First law of thermodynamics, equation of state hydrostatic equation; altimetry, stability and instability of the atmosphere. Solar radiation, solar constant; solar induced motion of the atmosphere. General circulation and weather forecasting. The Nigerian weather system.

PHYS488    Reactor Physics (2 credit units)
Nuclear Fission - fissionable materials, fission products and their cross-section.
Neutron Transport.     Diffusion theory applied to reactor. Dynamic behavior of reactors.