Preparation of Manuscripts
The manuscript should not exceed 15 pages. All pages should be numbered consecutively, and the contents should be arranged in the following order:-
Title; Name(s) of Author(s) and thier address(es); Departments and Institutions; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; The Study Area, Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgement (optional); and References.
Title: The title should unambiguously reflect the contents of the paper. The first page should contain the title of the manuscript.
Name(s) of Author(s) and thier address(es): Avoid the use of titles for authors. The names of the authors and their address (es) should follow the title. Where there is more than one author the corresponding author should be indicated.
Abstract: The abstract, usually not exceeding 250 words should indicate the scope and significant content of the paper, highlighting the principal findings and conclusion.
Keywords: About 5-6 keywords in alphabetical order should be provided.
Introduction: The introduction should be concise and should state precisely the aim of the study being reported.
The Study Area: It is highly recommended that a brief write-up of the study area be included. This should also include a well-produced map of the study area.
Materials and Methods: New methods should be described in sufficient detail. Where the methods are already well known, details should be referred to literature cited.
Result and Discussion: The Results may be separated from the discussion. Only data essential for understanding the discussion and main conclusions emerging from the study should be included. The data should be statistically analyzed, where appropriate and the level of significance given.
Conclusion: This should stem directly from the data presented and must be consistent with the introduction in fulfilling any promise made therein to the reader.
Acknowledgement: (Optional) This should be brief and only for special assistance including source of financial support.
Reference: Using the Harvard system (refer to most recent publication).
Table and Graphs: Each table and graph or illustration should be prepared in such a way as to permit photo reproduction. In case of photographs, prints should be on glossy paper and must show good contrast.
Abbreviation and Symbols: Standard abbreviations should be used in the text, tables and illustration without full stop. Unusual abbreviation, trade names and semi ambiguous terms should be defined at first point of use.
SI Units: The journal requires the use of SI units for all numerical data.
Proofs: Author’s proof must be returned through registered mail within two weeks of receipt. Editor in-chiefs’ permission must be sought before new materials are inserted. Any drastic change will attract further charges.
Charges: Processing fee is five thousand Naira (N5,000:00) per manuscript which must be paid before review while the publication page charges is fifteen thousand Naira (N15,000: 00 NGN) or 100 US Dollars, per article accepted for publication which is payable only after final approval of compliance to reviewers’ comments.
Author’s copy: The corresponding author shall be given one (1) copy of the journal.