Academic Positions

  • Present 2017

    Assistant Lecturer

    Dept. of Computer Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

  • 2017 2016

    Assistant Lecturer

    Computer Science Department, Al-Qalam University, Katsina

  • 2015 2014

    Programming Lab Assistant

    Mathematical & Computer Sciences Department, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Education & Training

  • M.Sc 2015

    Master of Science in Software Systems

    Heriot-Watt University, UK

  • B.Sc2013

    Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

    Arab Academy for Science & Technology, Egypt.

Honors, Awards and Grants

  • 2013
    Graduating Student Merit Award
    Graduated top of Software Engineering class of February 2013, and was the valedictorian for the graduating class of February 2013.
  • 2012-2013
    Microsoft Graduation Project Sponsorship
    Our Application, 'Augmented Reality Fitting Room' was selecting among the top 5 best projects in Egypt by Microsoft Advanced Technology Lab, Cairo. It was sponsored by Microsoft Inc.

Research Projects

  • image

    Automatic Generation of Design Class Model from Use Case Specifications

    Very short description of the project.

    Transition from requirements analysis to design phase is one of the critical activities in object-oriented software engineering. It is quite expensive to fix an error caused during this process if discovered in later phases of software development. Several reasons can be identified as causes for the potential problem, but one of the major reasons is due to specification of software requirements in Natural Language format. The ambiguous nature of natural language, possibility of inconsistency and incompleteness could lead to missing information at this critical stage. Several approaches within Object-Oriented Software development such as Rational Unified Process (RUP), use of Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) proposes a way of deriving class models by performing textual analysis of requirements specification. However, direct derivation of class model from specifications leads to inadequate classes, since only domain classes can be identified at this stage. In addition, CRC’s textual analysis does not solve the issue of human error, which is inevitable.

    In this project, a rule-based method is proposed to enhance an existing tool named Educator that is aimed at providing visual prototype of use cases as a means for validation. The method proposes syntactic rules for writing use case descriptions, then uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools to perform textual analysis on use case specifications and construct a sequence diagram as a weaving model, from which adequate design class model will be generated. A prototype tool is implemented to demonstrate working of the proposed method.

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Currrent Teaching

Teaching History

  • AUK 2016

    CSC4421 Software Engineering

  • AUK 2016

    CSC3212 Database Management I


You can find me at Office No. 2 Old Omatek Lab, Iya Abubakar Computer Center (IACC), ABU Samaru Campus.

Visiting Hours

Mondays: 11Am - 1PM & 3PM - 4PM

Tuesdays: 10Am - 1PM

Wednesdays: 10AM - 12PM

Thursdays: 11AM - 1PM


Dont hesitate to call during working hours to set a meeting.