Department of Computer Science

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

COSC405 - Web Application Engineering II

S/N Week Syllabus References
1 Week 01
  1. Course Resources, Policies and Goals
  2. Intro to Client/Server Architecture
    • Client machine
    • Server - PHP engine and MySql Database
    • WAMP, Netbean
  3. Review of Client Side Application Development
    • Quick Review of HTML & CSS
  1. Slides
  2. Text: Programming the World Wide Web Ch. 1, 2
2 Week 02
  1. Getting started with PHP
  2. Basic Syntax and Statements
    • Variables, Expressions, Comments
  3. PHP Control Structures
    • if, else, elseif, switch, ? operator
    • for - loops
    • while − loops
  1. Slides
  2. Text 1: Programming the World Wide Web Ch. 9
  3. Text 2: Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Ch. 4
3 Week 03
  1. Intro to PHP functions
    • Defining Functions
    • Function Return (Value, Array or Global Variable)
    • Including and Requiring Files
  2. Intro to PHP OOP
    • Class and Objects
    • Constructor
    • Properties and Methods
  1. Slides
  2. Text 1: Programming the World Wide Web Ch. 9
  3. Text 2: Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Ch. 5
4 Week 04
  1. Intro to PHP Arrays
    • Array Types (Numeric, Associative)
    • Structure and Usage
    • Iterating and Sorting
    • Intrinsic Array Functions
  2. Multidimensional PHP arrays
  1. Slides
  2. Text 1: Programming the World Wide Web Ch. 9
  3. Text 2: Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Ch. 6
5 Week 05
  1. User Interaction and Forms
    • Review of HTML forms
    • Passing Variables in Links
    • Passing Variables in Forms
  2. Using PHP to Sanitize Form Input
  1. Slides
  2. Text 1: Programming the World Wide Web Ch. 9
  3. Text 2: Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and CSS Ch. 11
More content to appear in successive weeks...