Overloading means having more than one constructor
in a class or having more than one method with the same name in a class. In the case of constructor, the purpose of
overloading is to allow the user to have as many options as possible when creating an
object of the class, thus making the
class more flexible to use.
In the case of methods, overloading alows the same name to be
used for methods that performs similar tasks – Imagine having two plus
operators, one for integer addition and another for double addition!
The condition for overloading is that the overloaded
methods and/or constructors must have different signatures. The signature of a constructor is determined
by the number, the type and the order of its parameters.
Example 1: The
following example implements the Employee class. Notice how the constructors are overloaded. Also notice the overloading of the deductions
class Employee1 { private int iDNumber; private String name; private double salary; public
Employee1(int iD, String employeeName, double employeeSalary)
{ iDNumber = iD; name = employeeName; salary = employeeSalary; } public
Employee1(String employeeName, int iD, double employeeSalary)
{ iDNumber = iD; name = employeeName; salary = employeeSalary; } public
Employee1(int iD, String employeeName) { iDNumber = iD; name = employeeName; salary = 0.0; } public
Employee1(String employeeName, int iD) { iDNumber = iD; name = employeeName; salary = 0.0; } public void setSalary(double
employeeSalary) { salary = employeeSalary; } public int getIDNumber() { return
iDNumber; } public String getName() { return
name; } public double getSalary() { return
salary; } public void
deductions(double telephoneBills) { salary -= telephoneBills; } public void
deductions(double telephoneBills, double medicalBills)
{ salary -= (telephoneBills +
medicalBills); } public void raiseSalary(double
percentIncrease) { salary += salary * percentIncrease/100; } public void printDetails() { System.out.println("\nID Number:
"+iDNumber+"\nName: "+name+"\nSalary: "+salary); } } |
following shows how the constructors and the overloaded methods in the above
example may be used:
java.util.Scanner; public
class TestEmployee1 { public static void main(String[] args)
{ Scanner input = new
Scanner(System.in); int number; String name; double salary; System.out.print("Enter Name for
Employee 1: "); name = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter ID Number
for Employee 1: "); number =
input.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter Salary for
Employee 1: "); salary =
input.nextDouble(); //any of the
following constructors be used to create the object Employee1 emp1 = new
Employee1(number, name, salary); // or Employee1 emp1 =
new Employee1(name, number, salary); System.out.print("\nEnter Name for
Employee 2: "); name = input.nextLine(); System.out.print("Enter ID Number
for Employee 2: "); number =
input.nextInt(); //if we do not know
the salary, we can use one of the following constructors Employee1 emp2 = new
Employee1(number, name); //or Employee1 emp2 = new
Employee1(name, number); emp2.setSalary(emp1.getSalary()); emp1.deductions(50); emp2.deductions(60,
40); emp1.printDetails(); emp2.printDetails(); } } |
refer to the instance variables of the class, especially when their names
happen to be the same with parameters or local variables of a method or constructor.
call a constructor from within another constructor of the same class.
The advantages of using this as can be seen from the
following example is that the program becomes shorter and that we do not have
to think of different names for the parameters of constructors and methods.
The following example modifies the above by using the this keyword
class Employee2 { private int iDNumber; private String name; private double salary; public Employee2(int iDNumber, String name,
double salary)
{ this.iDNumber
= iDNumber; this.name
= name; this.salary
= salary; } public Employee2(String name, int iDNumber,
double salary) { this(iDNumber,name,salary); } public Employee2(int iDNumber, String name)
{ this(iDNumber,
name, 0.0); } public Employee2(String name, int iDNumber)
{ this(iDNumber,
name, 0.0); } public void setSalary(double salary) { this.salary =
salary; } public int getIDNumber() { return
iDNumber; } public String getName() { return
name; } public double getSalary() { return
salary; } public void deductions(double
telephoneBills) { salary -= telephoneBills; } public void deductions(double
telephoneBills, double medicalBills) { salary -= (telephoneBills +
medicalBills); } public void raiseSalary(double
percentIncrease) { salary += salary * percentIncrease/100; } public void printDetails() { System.out.println("\nID Number:
"+iDNumber+"\nName: "+name+"\nSalary: "+salary); } } |
To test the above class,
you need to run the file TestEmployee2.java which is the same as TestEmployee1.java
except of the creation of objects of type Employee2 class instead of objects
of class Employee1
Sometimes we would like to print the values of the instance variable of an
object. One way of doing this is to
have a method such as the printDetails() method in the above examples. However, this is not a good idea since in
java, there are different output targets such as graphical windows which uses drawString() method of Graphics/Graphics2D object or output
files which require a different object instead of System.out.
what is normally done is to provide a toString() method which returns a representation of the object
as a String. The application can then
use the string returned by this method as it wishes.
the name
toString() is very
special in that it does not need to be called explicitly like other
methods. The java system automatically
calls the toString() method whenever
the object reference variable is used in an operation that requires a string.
The file Employee3.java is the same as Employee2.java
except for the replacement of the printDetails() method with toString() method.
public String toString()
{ return "\nID
Number: "+iDNumber+"\nName: "+name+"\nSalary:
"+salary; } |
The file
TestEmployee3.java accordingly modifies TestEmplyee2.java to print
the two employee objects by implicitly calling the toString() method as follows.
. . . . System.out.println(emp1); System.out.println(emp2); . . . |
1. Download the folder lab06.
a) Open the files Employee1.java and TestEmployee1.java, study then to understand what each is doing, then compile and execute TestEmployee1.java.
b) Try the alternative constructor calls in the TestEmployee1.java by removing the comments on them and commenting the lines before each of them, then compile and execute the program again. You should notice no difference.
c) Open the files Employee2.java and TestEmployee2.java, study them, then compile and execute TestEmployee2.java.
d) Open the files Employee3.java and TestEmployee3.java, study them, then compile and execute TestEmployee3.java.
(a) Design a class called Author that contains the following.
(i) Three private instance variables: name (String), email (String), and gender (char of either 'm' or 'f').
(ii) One constructor to initialize name, email and gender with given values.
(iii) Public getters and setters: getName(), getEmail(), setEmail(), and getGender().
There are no setters for name and gender, as these attributes cannot be changed.
(iv) A toString() method that returns "author-name (gender) at email", eg, "Aliyu Garba (m) at galiyu@abu.edu.ng".
(b) Write a test program called TestAuthor to test the constructor and the public methods.
Try changing the email of an author.
3. Modify the Box.java and BoxDemo.java of Example 1 of lab04 as follows:
a) add methods getLength(), getWidth() and getHeight() that returns the length, width and height of the box object.
b) add another constructor which receives only the length. It then calls the other constructor supplying this length for all of length, width and height (i.e. it forms a cube).
c) add another constructor that receives another Box object as parameter and then uses its length, width and height to initialize the current box object (i.e it creates a box object with same dimension as the one it receives as parameter)
d) add a toString() method that returns the langth, width, and height as a string that prints on one line as shown in the figure below.
The class BoxDemo.java should be modified to create three Box objects using each of the three constructors and then prints it (Note: no need to read input). Use the first box object to create the second.