Syllabus for PGD Statistics

The details of the topics to be covered under the courses mentioned above are given below.

PGDS700 PROJECT 4CU: Students will be expected to carry out a study in a relevant area of statistics and submit a report which involves the extensive use of statistical analysis. The project should lay emphasis on the application part of statistics in the society.

PGDS703 STATISTICAL METHODS 3CU: Hypothesis testing, estimation, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, linear regression, correlation. Survival analysis and odds ratio. Practical application

PGDS704 APPLIED MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 2CU: Basic concepts and statistical reasoning which underline the technique of multivariate analysis, matrix algebra, multivariate normal distribution, exponential family and structural equations models. Acquaintance with the use of existing computer programs in the multivariate analysis areas, correspondence analysis, multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis, correspondence analysis, cluster analysis and latent variable models.

PGDS705 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS 3CU: Concepts of randomization, blocking, confounding, transformations, replications block designs, factorial and fractional methodology, evolutionary operation and response surface methodology.

PGDS709 DEMOGRAPHY 3CU: The scope and importance of demographic studies, vital events and vital statistics, collection of vital statistics. Mortality measures, the crude death rate and its limitations. Age specific death rates, infant mortality rates, standardized death rates. Fertility and its measures, crude birth rate, general fertility rate, age specific fertility rates, total fertility rate, standardized birth rates, gross and net reproduction rates. Elements of life table.

PGDS710 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMING 3CU: Introduction to theory and the solution of linear and nonlinear programming problems; simplex and interior point algorithms, integer linear programing methods (branch and brand, enumeration, cutting planes), decomposition methods, quadratics programming. An introduction to the mathematical foundation of mathematical programming.

PGDS711 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS 3CU: Random variable, discrete and continuous distributions, conditional distributions, mass and density functions, expectation, variance, covariance, correlation and dependence. Probability generating functions: moment generating functions, factorial generating functions, weak and strong laws of large numbers central limit theorem and applications limit theorems. Convergence of sequences of measurable functions. Borel Cantelli lemma and Fubini’s theorem.

PGDS712 NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS 3CU: Distribution free statistical procedures counting methods; order statistics, ranks, distribution free tests and associated interval and point estimates sign test, signed rank test, Mann Whitney-Wilcoxon test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Kolmogorov-Siminov test, Wald-Wolfowitz test, Cochran Q test, Friedman test, and kruskal-Wallis test.

PGDS713 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING 3CU: Methodology of model building: identification, formulation and solution of problems. Cause effect diagrams. Modeling using graphs and proportionality. Modeling by interpolation using polynomials. Modeling using least square and linear programming. Modeling deterministic behaviour and stochastic processes. Modeling using derivatives: application using differential equations.

PGDS722 STATISTICAL INFERENCE 3CU: Parametric point estimation, estimation, methods of finding estimations: methods of moments, maximum likelihood Baye’s method, invariance property of maximum likelihood. Properties of estimation, risk function, factorization criterion, K-parameter exponential family, UMVE and interval estimation.