Syllabus for M.Sc. Statistics

The details of the topics to be covered under the courses mentioned above are given below.

STAT801 STATISTICAL INFERENCE 3CU: Conditioning, distribution theory, approximation to distributions, modes of convergence, limit theorems, statistical models, parameter estimation, properties of estimators, confidence sets, theory of hypothesis tests, introduction to Bayesian inference and nonparametric estimation.

STAT802 ADVANCED PROBABILITY THEORY 3CU: Introduction to measure theoretic probability, derivation and transformation of probability distributions, generating functions and characteristic functions, conditional expectation, sufficiency, and unbiased estimation, methods of large sample theory including laws of large numbers and central limit theorems and order statistics.

STAT803 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS 3CU : General linear models; Generalized inverse of a matrix, factorial experiments; symmetric and asymmetric; balanced and partially balanced incomplete Block Designs. Resolvable row-column designs. Response surface methodology. Construction of designs.

STAT804 CATEGORICAL DATA ANALYSIS 3CU: Probability mass functions for 2 × 2 tables measures of association for 2 × 2 tables and general c × c tables. Probability mass functions for r × c tables. Goodness of fit tests. Square tables and their applications, structural models for two and higher dimensions; Log-linear models and estimate of parameters. Logistic regression and bio-assays.

STAT805 NON PARAMETRIC STATISTICAL METHODS 3CU: Distribution-free methods. Distribution of order statistics and quintiles. One and two sample tests. Confidence intervals. Transformation of statistics and their asymptotic properties. OC and ASN functions of SPRT. SPRT for composite hypotheses. Elements of sequential estimation stein’s two stage sampling methods for point and interval estimate.

STAT806 STATISTICAL COMPUTING/CONSULTING 3CU: The design and use of existing statistical software, methods of simulation of random processes, numerical methods of fitting linear models, multivariate analysis, methods for nonlinear modelling. Introduction of key aspects of statistical consulting and data analysis activities, report writing and presentation.

STAT807 BIOSTATISTICS 3CU: Advanced Regression, Bio-essays, Probit and Logit models, Growth Curves; Logistic Regression, Potency/efficacy determination. Theory of clinical trials, Ethical Issues in Medical Data Collection.

STAT808 SAMPLE SURVEY TECHINIQUES 3CU: Construction and choice of strata, frames and various equal and unequal probability sampling schemes with properties. Estimation of means, proportion and their variances. Successive sampling scheme. Problems of non-sampling error and non-response: application to some selected specialized survey.

STAT809 MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS 3CU: Multivariate normal distribution, estimation of mean and covariance matrix; Wishart distribution; distribution of partial and multiple correlation coefficients; Hotelling’s T2, Principal components.

STA812 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS 3CU: Theory of stochastic models and their forecasting. Model building: identification, estimation. Diagnostic checking. Analysis of stationary Data Co-integration and error correction techniques.

SCI801 MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2CU: The course will cover business environment, general management, financial management, entrepreneurship development, feasibility studies, marketing and managerial problem solving.

SCI802 ICT AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2CU: Essentials of Spreadsheet, Internet Technology, Statistical Packages, precision and accuracy of estimates, principles of scientific research, concept of hypotheses formulation and testing, organization of research and report writing.

STAT881 Seminar (1 CU/Semester)
STAT891 Research/Thesis (3 CU/Semester)
STAT882 Seminar (1 CU/Semester)
STAT892 Research/Thesis (3 CU/Semester)