Department of Physics

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria - Nigeria



The Chemistry Department of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria was established as a degree awarding department in 1962 with Professor A.R. Mathieson as the Head. This followed the realization of the need to produce well trained Chemists to go into the field as teachers and research officers or into industry to meet the demand of the rapidly industrializing Nigeria. The degree programme was really a combination of two subjects, leading to a combined honours degree in any of Chemistry-Physics; Chemistry-Biology; or Chemistry-Mathematics. The first set of graduates of this combined honours degree programme was produced in June 1965. The second set which was also the last set in the combined honours programme graduated in June 1966. The single honours Chemistry degree programme was established in 1964 with the first set of graduates being awarded a B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in Chemistry in 1967. The single honours degree programme in Chemistry has continued in the Ahmadu Bello University till today.

To build a Department that will be the Centre of excellence in Teaching and Research and to provide Consultancy services in all fields of Physics and such areas of the economy where knowledge of Physics is relevant.

o be a leading Department of Physics producing highly qualified Physics graduates required for the advancement of Science and Technology in Nigeria and beyond and at the same lime ensuring excellence in Physics education.

We are always set to make impact on the immediate and distant societies. We seek to impart knowledge to qualified candidates that will graduate and become available for use in National Development. Emphasis is placed in the execution of the programme to encourage self-reliance and entrepreneurship as equipment against possible unemployment on completion of programme. Here practical training is carried out at all levels of study including SIWES and final year individual student research projects.

The philosophy of the Physics Programme is that of the university. It recognizes the importance of Physics in national development and in science and technology.