Oluwole, M.S.*, Ojekunle, J.A., Masugari, D.Y., Usman, A.K., Dalil, M. and Abdullahi, M.I.

Road transport infrastructure enhances both the economic growth and the social cohesion of a country, to the extent that a region cannot be economically competitive without an effective road transport network. This study assessed the quality of road transport infrastructure in Minna metropolis, seventeen arterial and collector roads were purposively selected based their design and traffic carrying capacity. Field observatory survey and interview methods were used to acquire data on the availability and condition of road and complimentary infrastructures like: shoulder, traffic lights, streetlights, pedestrian facilities-walkways, crossings, road islands and overhead bridges. The data were analyzed using frequency tables, charts and plates. The result shows that while Minna metropolis has basic road and complimentary infrastructures, the condition of the roadway shoulder, traffic lights and drainages are in poor state of functionality. Furthermore, inadequate funding was recognized as the major challenge preventing the Niger State Road Maintenance Agency (NIGROMA) from maintaining the road infrastructure on a sustainable basis. The study recommended among other things better funding of NIGROMA in order to continuously respond to the mending of all cracks and potholes, regular and routine maintenance of street lights and traffic lights, clearing of road drainages and culverts, repainting of all pedestrian crossings and a renewed awareness to the pedestrians about the benefits of using the pedestrian facilities as well as the dangers of neglecting them. This will improve safety in mobility by road and by implication alleviating poverty among the residents of Minna metropolis.

Key words: Complimentary facilities, Infrastructure, Road, Transportation.